What is Website Bounce Rate & What To Do To Detour It?

Once the website is developed, there are different factors to be considered for the successful growth of the website. Most digital marketers face a common problem i.e. the bounce rate. The main reason why the bounce rate occurs is your website is not doing or providing the proper content that the user is looking for. If the bounce rate of a website is increasing, then it is an indication that users are not finding what they are looking for. Else the second reason may be you are not targeting the right audience for your website. Before having a deep thought into this, let us understand what bounce rate is. Also, understand what things one can do in order to detour it?

What is the Bounce Rate?

The term bounce rate, in simple words, can be defined as users landing on your website and leaving immediately. There is no engagement of the user when they are on the landing page. Rather, they exist on a single page. They even do not even click on any other internal links like read more, menu, etc. The bounce rate also defines the quality of your website that meets the purpose of your audience.

What is a Good Bounce Rate?

With your website development, it is also important to consider good website tips as well. Having a high bounce rate doesn’t always mean that it is not good. Let us elaborate on this with an example. If a user lands on your website for your business hours or address, that doesn’t mean that is not considered as a bounce rate. This can be considered as a conversion. This can be termed as a good bounce rate.

Reasons that Cause a High Bounce Rate

  • Bad Content

    Users generally visit websites for a particular reason. If your content doesn’t match the user’s needs it is going to exit and look for better content. Understand your audience, develop engaging content and attract visitors. Another reason may be populated with boring, irrelevant, incorrect, and messy content.

  • Poor User Experience

    It all depends on the visitor whether to stay or leave. Some of the poor user experiences like unpleasant colors, unorganized layouts, uneasy navigation, etc. may lead to high bounce rates. Irrelevant images and unwanted content may also increase the percentage of bounce rate. It is a good idea to consider these points during the website design stage.

  • Technical Errors

    A technical error may hit a high bounce rate. Some of the technical errors like plugin went down, form not loading, javascript malfunction, etc. These are the things that a developer needs to keep in mind during the website development process.

  • Speed Issues

    Your website should load instantly. If it is taking more than a few seconds the user instantly exits before the website is loaded. One can consider the different tools to measure the website speed and get the best one.

Things to Do to Detour with Bounce Rate

  • Reduce Load Time

    Website speed plays an important role in bounce rate. No matter whether a visitor stays on your webpage or not your website should be loaded in a short time. Long loading times will annoy the users and leave the website before getting it loaded. The average loading time is within 2 seconds or less than that.

  • User Experience

    Give a unique and incredible user experience to your users. Make your website easy to navigate, readable and understandable content, consistent graphic design, and enough white spaces. Provide a great user experience to your users, get feedback and try to improve it. It will help to attract more new users to your website.

  • Clear Call to Action

    Describe your product or service in a more precise way. Have a clear call to action and take the visitors in a stepwise way. Most importantly, don’t irritate your audience with pop-up boxes floating unevenly on the website. No unwanted video ads with unresponsive close buttons.

  • Fresh Blogs

    For a good website, update with fresh content that will help users know more about your website. It must give a WOW reaction to your users reading your blogs. This will build a strong bond and trust among your users and increase their chances of visiting the site again.

  • Mobile-Friendly Website

    One of the main prospects is that your website should be mobile-friendly. This thing to be considered during the website development process. Like it should be compatible on different platforms like android, IOS, etc. Nowadays, most of the users surf through mobile and hence it should be easily optimized.

    Conclusion –

    For every website owner, it is important to understand and spend time on a successful website. Above are some of the tips that help your website audience grow. This will help you out in search traffic, target audience, and increase in lead generation. For more other services regarding website development or design, kindly get in touch with Onexcell.